D.I.Wire V1 Support


Getting started


Initial Setup 1

Get your D.I.Wire V1 connected and ready to bend.

Initial Setup 2

Set the zero position before bending any new batch of Pensa Labs wire.


Maintenance & Workflow


2.5D Bending

Create 3D shapes with the D.I.Wire.

Good vs Bad Files

Create the most bendable .svg and .dxf files for the D.I.Wire V1.

Feed Wheels & Bend Heads

Swap the D.I.Wire's hardware to bend different types of wire.

Wire Jams

Useful techniques for dealing with wire jams.




Edit Mode

Drop an .svg or.dxf into WireWare and edit the file before bending.

Manual Mode

Bend quick and simple shapes without an .svg or .dxf.