Rapid Iteration: Manufacturing Small Batches of Stainless Steel Lures

Mio Matsuda started his company, Cardinal's Nest, to continue the tradition of the Japanese fishing culture and create an excitement around it by making beautiful custom fishing lures.
After bending lures by hand, Mio decided to incorporate the D.I.Wire Pro to facilitate the production of Cardinal’s Nest lures. The lures are made using 1.2mm diameter stainless steel wire, creating a strong but flexible piece.
“D.I.Wire Pro definitely made the life of a small batch producer like myself way easier than bending the hardened stainless steel wire by hand.”
- Mio Matsuda, Cardinal's Nest owner and CEO

Cardinal’s Nest also experienced significant time savings when incorporating the D.I.Wire Pro for the production of their lures.
“The time spent bending wires has been cut down from hours to minutes."

The easy interface of the WireWare software allowed Matsuda to plan, program and run the bending himself, always with the highest precision and quality. And by configuring his machine with the wire straightener and automatic cutter add-ons, Mio has been able to further automate his production, increasing his lure output.
Matsuda recently caught a 58 pounds Pacific Yellowtail with his Cardinal’s Nest lure. The largest he has ever caught!